October 13...
Well it's funny to me at least. Before coming to Tanzania, I have to be honest and say that when I prayed to God for stuff, I generally had a pretty vague belief that whatever I was asking for would happen. I'm not entirely sure why this is (and sometimes still is) the case. Maybe I didn't want to get my hopes up you know. I didn't want to ask God for something very specific and then not get it, or get something else: sort of a disappointed Christmas morning scenario where you really wanted a remote control car and got multi-coloured underwear instead.
Or maybe, I felt like I couldn't possibly know the mind of God and so whatever I wanted was probably not what He wanted for me and so over time, I just stopped asking specifically for stuff. Sure I would still ask, but it would all be pretty general; and there's nothing wrong with that either.
But to be completely honest, I just stopped thinking that God would answer prayer on the spot and with exactly what I needed (and wanted). That is changing though. And believe it or not, it started with a boiled egg.
Let me explain:
Before coming here I didn't eat boiled eggs. A recent chat with my mom has revealed that we apparently had the option to eat such food as kids, but never did. When I say we, I'm referring to my brothers and I (and if you're reading this now brothers, please don't ostracise me for developing an enjoyment for boiled eggs). Anyway, I had the chance to eat them here and they're really not bad and are an awesome source of protein, which is great for village life.
So the other day, I was here in Kilolo and feeling really hungry. It was my last day in the village before leaving for the weekend and going to town (Iringa). I didn't really have a lot of food left, and nothing that would feed the need for protein. I decided to go and collect my daily bread (not the little pieces of paper with Bible verses but the actual stuff you eat) from my neighbours and on the way I casually just said something to God which I guess constituted as prayer; though it was more of a passing thought directed at Him. I said, “God it would be really great if You could get me something to eat”. And I was specifically referring to something with protein in it. And just kept walking. Actually, I pretty well forgot that I said that until He answered (which is a habit I'm trying to break). So I got to my neighbours, collected the bread and had about a three sentence conversation with the kind people who provide me with bread. I was just about to walk out of their home, hands full of carbohydrates, when I was called back. “You like eggs?” I was asked. “Sure.” I replied. And then out of the air came flying a hard boiled egg which I caught but nearly missed.
As I walked out of the house and back to my own I couldn't help but laugh a little. As if God had answered my dumb little prayer and with a hard boiled egg no less. I was really grateful and enjoyed the egg immensely.
And stuff like that keeps happening.
Today, as I made my way to the bus station I said another quick, no-thought prayer. I was late leaving and needed get to the bus station quick but knew I could only go as fast as my legs would take me. I prayed something like, “God, it would be great if I could get to the bus station really quick.” Seriously that was it. Nothing deep or profound. There was no scripture quoting. Just a quick little thought, again directed in His general direction.
And then it happened again. He answered.
A few minutes later and classy looking red pick-up drove by and slowed down. The window rolled down and the young driver asked me, in English, “Are you going down?” By which he meant are you going down to the town centre (where the bus station is). I said yes and few minutes later I was at the bus station right on time courtesy of a very kind Tanzanian. And for my parents' sake, the truck had official plates, so it wasn't just a random truck, but some government official or something: very safe.
You know, if stuff like this keeps happening I may have to start praying a little more earnestly.
But here's the thing: I don't want to become spoiled and greedy. I realize that God wants to (and does) provide for us. But I don't want to get caught in the trap that has me praying strategic prayers with laser guided accuracy. I just don't think it works like that. I want to develop an expectant attitude that is patient by nature and trusts that whatever God's provision (or lack of) is and whenever it comes (if it comes) is what is best for me.
But I have to be careful I think. Because in trying to do that I could slip back into the thinking that God doesn't really answer our prayers in the immediate with exactly what we need. And then I just stop asking God for anything and instead try and work it out on my own. And that leads to two things: a) disappointment, which is usually followed by b) pain.
So I'm going to keep making those small prayers for my daily needs. And I think I'll even ask Him about the bigger things too and trust that He knows what He's doing.
I mean who would have thought of a boiled egg. But it worked.