Saturday, November 15, 2008

Last Days

November 15...

Less than a week left. I can't really believe it to be honest. It's totally cliché and I know it, but time has really just flown by. I can still remember so vividly, getting off the airplane in Dar just over two months ago: being accosted by the heat and humidity, then having my baggage “lost” (or just a few days late) and being completely drained by the time-zone adjustment. That sounds all pretty negative, but there have been so many amazing and good things that have happened since I arrived in Tanzania.

I have learned more about myself than I ever knew before and outside of a lot of “getting to know me” time I have met some truly incredible people. I have learned that we are never really alone and that when we step out in faith into the unknown God provides community for us; either through relationship with Him alone or with the people we meet along the way. Thankfully, I have had an abundant dose of the second and made many great friendships with people here.

I am sure that as time passes I will discover more and more of how this trip will impact my life. In the immediate I know there will be some changes: I know that I will appreciate my family and friends so much more, I know that I will appreciate the opportunities I have both at work and at church to use the gifts I have, and I KNOW I'll use less water when I brush my teeth (and I thought I was conservative before)! Hopefully, I will come to appreciate more the treasures I have been blessed with and be far quicker to give what I can to those around me.

God has truly been good these last few months. I have been challenged, almost daily, to trust Him more completely and I hope that when I return that trust will continue to deepen. I am thankful to God and all those who helped get me here and I am very excited to return home and share all that has happened with my friends and family. And I might be a little too excited as I am finding it hard these days to fall asleep at night because I am thinking about my homecoming!

Soon enough. First I have to finish my work at St. Michael's and then brave a two day, 26 hour trip home. Yikes. But I know it will be worth it.

1 comment:

Chris said...

I am going to measure out your tooth brushing water when you get back to Toronto.

Also, who is your friend? ; )